Click here to go directly to my PubMed overview.
Oesterreich S, Pate L, Lee AV, Chen F, Jankowitz RC, Mukhtar R, Metzger O, Sikora MJ, Li CI, Sotiriou C, Shah OS, Koorman T, Ulaner G, Reis-Filho JS, Davidson NM, Van Baelen K, Hutcheson L, Freeney S, Migyanka F, Turner C, Derksen P, Bear T, Desmedt C. International survey on invasive lobular breast cancer identifies priority research questions. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2024 Jul 20. Click here to be directed to the Pubmed abstract.
De Schepper M#, Koorman T#, Richard F#, Christgen M, Vincent-Salomon A, Schnitt SJ, van Diest PJ, Zels G, Mertens F, Maetens M, Vanden Bempt I, Harbeck N, Nitz U, Gräser M, Kümmel S, Gluz O, Weynand B, Floris G, Derksen PWB, Desmedt C; Pathology Working Group of the European Lobular Breast Cancer Consortium. Integration of Pathological Criteria and Immunohistochemical Evaluation for Invasive Lobular Carcinoma Diagnosis: Recommendations From the European Lobular Breast Cancer Consortium. Modern Pathology. 2024 Jul 3. Click here to be directed to the Pubmed abstract. # shared first author.
Khalil AA, Smits D, Haughton PD, Koorman T, Jansen KA, Verhagen MP, van der Net M, van Zwieten K, Enserink L, Jansen L, El-Gammal AG, Visser D, Pasolli M, Tak M, Westland D, van Diest PJ, Moelans CB, Roukens MG, Tavares S, Fortier AM, Park M, Fodde R, Gloerich M, Zwartkruis FJT, Derksen PW, de Rooij J. A YAP-centered mechanotransduction loop drives collective breast cancer cell invasion. Nature Communications. 2024 Jun 7. Click here to be directed to the Pubmed abstract.
Geukens T, De Schepper M, Van Den Bogaert W, Van Baelen K, Maetens M, Pabba A, Mahdami A, Leduc S, Isnaldi E, Nguyen HL, Bachir I, Hajipirloo M, Zels G, Van Cauwenberge J, Borremans K, Vandecaveye V, Weynand B, Vermeulen P, Leucci E, Baietti MF, Sflomos G, Battista L, Brisken C, Derksen PWB, Koorman T, Visser D, Scheele CLGJ, Thommen DS, Hatse S, Fendt SM, Vanderheyden E, Van Brussel T, Schepers R, Boeckx B, Lambrechts D, Marano G, Biganzoli E, Smeets A, Nevelsteen I, Punie K, Neven P, Wildiers H, Richard F, Floris G, Desmedt C. Rapid autopsies to enhance metastatic research: the UPTIDER post-mortem tissue donation program. NPJ Breast cancer. 2024 Apr 24. Click here to be directed to the Pubmed abstract.
Gronewold M, Grote I, Bartels S, Christgen H, Kandt LD, Brito MJ, Cserni G, Daemmrich ME, Fogt F, Helmke BM, Ter Hoeve N, Lang-Schwarz C, Vieth M, Wellmann A, Kuehnle E, Kulik U, Riedel G, Reineke-Plaass T, Lehmann U, Koorman T, Derksen PW, Kreipe H, Christgen M. Microenvironment-induced restoration of cohesive growth associated with focal activation of P-cadherin expression in lobular breast carcinoma metastatic to the colon. Journal of Pathology Clinical Research. 2024 March 10. Click here to be directed to the Pubmed abstract.
Sijnesael T#, Richard F#, Rätze MA#, Koorman T, Bassey-Archibong B, Rohof C, Daniel J, Desmedt C, Derksen PW. Canonical Kaiso target genes define a functional signature that associates with breast cancer survival and the invasive lobular carcinoma histological type. Journal of Pathology. 2023 Dec 26. Click here to be directed to the Pubmed abstract.
Kechagia Z, Sáez P, Gómez-González M, Canales B, Viswanadha S, Zamarbide M, Andreu I, Koorman T, Beedle AEM, Elosegui-Artola A, Derksen PWB, Trepat X, Arroyo M, Roca-Cusachs P. The laminin-keratin link shields the nucleus from mechanical deformation and signalling. Nature Materials. 2023 Nov 22. Click here to be directed to the Pubmed abstract.
Gallego-Paez L.M., Edwards W.J.S.m Chanduri M., Guo Y., Koorman T., Lee C.Y., Grexa N., Derksen P.W.B., Yan J., Schwartz M.A., Mauer J., Goult B.T. TLN1 contains a cancer-associated cassette exon that alters Talin-1 mechanosensitivity. Journal of cell Biology. 2023 May 1. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Koorman T*., Raetze M.K*., Sijnesael T., Bassay-Archibong B., van de Ven R., Enserink L., Visser D., Jaksani S., Viciano I., Bakker E.R.M., Richard F., Tutt A., O’Leary L., Fitzpatrick A., Roca-Cusachs P., van Diest P.J. Desmedt C., Daniel J.M., Isacke M.C., Derksen P.W.B. Loss of E-cadherin leads to Id2-dependent inhibition of cell cycle progression in metastatic lobular breast cancer. Oncogene. 2022 Apr 18; * shared first author. IF:9.9. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Koorman T., Jansen K.A., Khalil A., Haughton P.D., Visser D., Raetze M.K., Haakma W.E., Sakalauskaite G., van Diest P.J.. de Rooij J., Derksen P.W.B. Spatial collagen stiffening promotes collective breast cancer cell invasion by reinforcing extracellular matrix alignment. Oncogene. 2022 Apr; 41 (17):2458-2469 IF:9.9. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Sflomos G., Schipper K., Koorman T., Fitzpatrick A., Oesterreich S., Lee A.V., Jonkers J., Brunton V.G. Christgen M., Isacke C., Derksen P.W.B., Brisken C. Atlas of Lobular Breast Cancer Models: Challenges and Strategic Directions. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Oct 27. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract. Selected as cover.
Kutys ML*., Polacheck WJ*., Welch MK, Gagnon KA., Koorman T., Kim S., Li L., McClatchey AI., Chen CS. Uncovering mutation-specific morphogenic phenotypes and paracrine-mediated vessel dysfunction in a biomimetic vascularized mammary duct platform. Nat Communications. 2020 Jul 6. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Pelgrom AJE., Meisrimler CN., Elberse J., Koorman T., Boxem M., Van Den Ackerveken G. Host interactors of effector proteins of the lettuce downy mildew Bremia Lactucae obtained by yeast two-hybrid screening. Plos One. 2020 May 12. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Malinow RA., Ying P., Koorman T. Boxem M., Jin Y., Kim KW. Functional dissection of C. elegans bZip-Protein CEBP-1 reveals Novel Structural Motifs required for Axon regeneration and Nuclear import. Front Cell NeuroSci. 2019 Jul 31. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Chiasson-MacKenzie C., Morris ZS., Liu CH., Bradford WB., Koorman T., McClatchey AI. Merlin/ERM proteins regulate growth factor-induced micropinocytosis and receptor recycling by organizing the plasma membrane:cytoskeleton interface. Genes Dev. 2018 sep 1. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract. Selected as cover.
Thijs Koorman. Neurofibromatose type 2; Contact met de buren. Lay-piece written for the Dutch NF foundation []. Published February 2017. Click here to download the article [Dutch].
Waaijers S., Muñoz J., Berends C., Ramalho JJ., Goerdayal SS., Low TY., Zoumaro-Djayoon AD., Hoffmann M., Koorman T., Tas RP., Harterink M., Seelk S., Kerver J., Hoogenraad CC., Bossinger O., Tursun B., van den Heuvel S., Heck AJ., Boxem M. A tissue-specific protein purification approach in Caenorhabditis elegans identifies novel interaction partners of DLG-1/Discs large. BMC Biol. 2016 Aug. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Ph.D. Thesis
Koorman T. Networking for proteins; A yeast two-hybrid and RNAi profiling approach to uncover C. elegans cell polarity regulators. Published January 2016. ISBN 978-90-393-6423-9. Click here for a direct link to my thesis.
Koorman T., Klompstra D., van der Voet M., Lemmens I., Ramalho J.J. Nieuwehuize S., van den Heuvel S.J.L., Tavernier J., Nance J., Boxem M. A combinatorial approach of protein identification and reverse genetics to uncover cell polarity regulators. Nat Cell Biol. 2015 Mar; 18. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Chen L., Chuan M., Koorman T., Boxem M., Jin Y., Chisholm AD. Axon injury triggers EFA-6 mediated destabilization of axonal mictotubules via TACC and doublecortin like Kinase. E-Life. 2015 Sep 4. Open Access. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Waaijers S., Ramalho J.J., Koorman T., Kruse E., Boxem M. The C. elegans Crumbs family contains a CRB3 homolog and is not essential for viability. Biol Open. 2015: Feb 6. Open Access. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Sapir A., Tsur A., Koorman T., Ching K., Mishra P., Bardenheier A., Podolsky L., Bening-Abu-Shach U., Boxem M., Chou TF., Broday L., Sternberg PW. Controlled sumoylation of the mevalonate pathway enzyme HMGS-1 regulates metabolism during aging. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Sep 16. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Koorman T*., Waaijers S*., Kerver J., Boxem M. Identification of human protein interaction domains using an ORFeome-based yeast two-hybrid fragment library. J Proteome Research. 2013 may 30. * shared first author Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.
Gloerich M., ten Klooster J.P., Vliem M.J., Koorman T., Zwartkruis F.J., Clevers H., Bos J.L. Rap2A links intestinal cell polarity to brush border formation. Nat Cell Biol. 2012 Jun 14. Click here to be directed to the PubMed abstract.