Welcome to my website.
This website gives you a quick, but comprehensive overview of my professional achievements in a more personal setting.
Currently I’m situated at the UMC Utrecht department of Pathology in the breast cancer research group of Prof. Dr. Patrick Derksen (www.derksenlab.org). As an assistant professor in his group I supervise students, teach courses on the university level, supervise Ph.D. students, apply for funding, and manage my own projects.
University Lecturer in the Biomedicine Student Research Hun. Here we unite stakeholders (Biotech/experts/researchers/patients) with bachelor students to create synergy and interdisciplinary collaborations to study societal relevant research questions. Website: www.bachelorresearchhub.com, led by Prof. Dr. Niels Bovenschen
I’m fortunate to be at the fore front of translating discovery-based fundamental science to patient relevant therapeutic interventions.
- Active researcher in the European Lobular Breast Cancer consortium (www.elbcc.org)
- Active management team member of the EU COST Action CA19138 “LOBSTERPOT”
- HAN University of Applied Sciences graduation committee member
Past Memberships:
- Active researcher in the European MechanoControl consortium (http://mechanocontrol.eu/) (December 2022)
- UMC Utrecht OncoCareer Board member (https://www.umcutrecht.nl/en/oncocareer-board) (July 2022)
I know Twitter is a thing among researchers ;).
For my LinkedIn, please click here.
I got interviewed for the MechanoControl Project! Click here to check it out!
I Pitched my work! Click here to check it out!
I got interviewed for my patient participation efforts! Click here to check it out!
Together with patient advocate Rian Terveer-Couperus and the help of Stichting Jij speelt de Hoofdrol we organized a Dutch Lobular Webinar https://jijspeeltdehoofdrol.nl/nieuws/lobulair-borstkanker-drieluik/ It was fully booked!!
Our joint breast cancer course with Genmab was lots of fun and an absolute succes! Click here or here to check it out.

Last update: August 2024