Honors and Awards

Bitzer Family Fountainhead Foundation – 2024

UMC Utrecht Strategic Program Cancer Booster Grant – 2024

Gilead Solid Cancer Program Medical Grant – 2021

UMC Utrecht Strategic Program Cancer Booster Grant – 2021

Stichting Hetty Odink – 2019                                                                http://www.stichtinghettyodink.nl/

Material fellowship that supports the production and design of biomimetic breast tumor models

EMBO Laboratory Leadership Full Fellowship – 2019                                                               

Ph. D. Student of the year 2016

Graduate School Cancer Stem Cells and Developmental Biology; Utrecht, The Netherlands

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship 2016 – 2018
McClatchey Laboratory  MGH/HMS

European Molecular Biology Organization; Success rate: 15%.

ESF-EMBO Conference Full Fellowship – 2014
Boxem Laboratory Utrecht University
European Science Foundation – European Molecular Biology Organization full fellowship to attend the Cell Polarity and Trafficking conference in Poland.

GSA Travel Fellowship – 2013
Boxem Laboratory Utrecht University
Genetics Society of America fellowship to attend the 19th International C. elegans Meeting in the USA.

ESF-EMBO Travel Fellowship – 2012
Boxem Laboratory Utrecht University
European Science Foundation – European Molecular Biology Organization travel fellowship to attend the Cell Polarity and Trafficking conference in Poland.